Gold Card (CC ID)

Frequently Asked Questions about the Gold Card & Gold Card Plus

What is a Gold Card?

A Gold Card is your Colorado College identification card. It permits access to your residence hall, room door, meals and money if you have funded a Gold Card Plus account.

Do I have to get a Gold Card?

YES. All faculty, staff, and students must carry a Gold Card at all times and be prepared to show it to any college official who may ask to see it. It is the only way to access your residence hall, and the only way to utilize your meal plan.

Do I have to put money into a Gold Card Plus account?

Funding a Gold Card is an easy way to make transactions, as it will act as a debit card around campus. You do not need to make a deposit to 'activate' your Gold Card Plus account. A Gold Card Plus account is automatically created for you when you are issued your card, and maintains a zero balance until you make a deposit. You can use a credit or debit card to load money on your Gold Card Plus account at this site.

Can I get cash from my Gold Card?

No. The Gold Card is not an ATM and can only be used for goods and services on campus.

Can I get a refund from my Gold Card?

Gold Card Plus balances will roll from year to year. The balance on your Gold Card will be transferred to your student account when you graduate and/or withdraw from the college. Any charges owed to Colorado College will first be deducted and then a check will be mailed to you.

What's the difference between the Gold Card Plus account and my student account?

The Gold Card Plus account is your debit account used to purchase goods and services on campus. The student account is where tuition, room, board, etc. are billed. Do NOT make a deposit into your Gold Card Plus account with the intention of paying any part of your student account bill. Meal plans are charged to your student account so that you can then use your Gold Card to pay for meals on campus and at specified locations off campus.

Can I fund a Gold Card Plus account with a debit or credit card?

Yes. Visa, Master Card, American Express and Discover are accepted.

I lost my card or my card was stolen, what do I do?

Go online to student link and deactivate your card.

How do I replace my card?

Visit the Solutions Center in Tutt Library during business hours to have a new card printed. Replacement cards are $30.00.

My card isn't working and I can't swipe into door or meals.

Visit the Solutions Center in Tutt Library and let the experts determine and fix the problem.

Can I have access to another residence hall?

Not unless you have been given explicit permission to access that building by Residential Life, in which case this change must be made by an authorized representative of Residential Life. The Residential Life offices can be located on the ground floor of Bemis Hall.

Report an issue - Last updated: 07/30/2024

Contact Student Accounts

Spencer Center, 1st Floor, Room 116
14 E. Cache La Poudre Street
Colorado Springs, CO 80903-3243

Phone: (719) 389-6698
Fax: (719) 389-6932

8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Mon-Fri